At Northwell, mentoring is fundamental to career development
At Northwell, mentorship is one of the critical components to help individuals grow their careers. Our 40+ mentorships programs help prepare our current and future employees at Northwell Health through the support and guidance of our seasoned Health Raisers who share their knowledge and experience. We believe mentorship programs are so vital as they help individuals to increase organizational awareness, build connections, and build trust among the participants who are investing in the success of their career.
Learn more about the experiences of four of our current team members, Emanuel, Meghan, Tameika, and Joseph.
Emanuel Remilus – Assistant Nurse Manager, Patient Care, NRSG – PICU
Emanuel Remilus, assistant nurse manager of the Pediatric ICU at Cohen Children’s Medical Center and member of the Northwell Health Nurse Choir, credits his time participating in our Entry to Leadership Mentor program with enabling him to enter the management ranks. “I was fortunate enough to have a mentor who I respect and admire, who I could turn to for help,” says Emanuel. “Throughout the program, I was provided a structured experience with actionable steps and attainable goals. My mentor was able to provide helpful tips to help make the job more manageable, and she continues to be a great source of help to this day.”
Emanuel also credits his fellow nursing community and leadership team at Northwell with constantly challenging him to reach for more. “They saw the potential in me, even before I could see it myself.” With the support and encouragement from his Magnet family behind him, Emanuel was accepted into the Stony Brook University Masters in Nursing Leadership program.
Meghan Strebel – Assistant Nurse Manager, Patient Care, Telemetry
Meghan was a former mentee within the Nursing Entry to Practice Mentorship program in 2019 and today is a mentor in the Nursing Entry to Leadership Mentor program. She knows how valuable the experience is, and she was eager to pay it forward. As a mentor, Meghan advises new graduate nursing students to take advantage of any opportunities that come their way. “Sometimes that means stepping out of your comfort zone, because if it wasn’t for my mentors pushing me to try something new in my life, I would not have the success I have had in the leadership role today.”
In her current role as an assistant nurse manager on the Telemetry unit at Mather Hospital, Meghan recognizes that she would not have been successful if it wasn’t for both of her mentorship programs. “I’ve been fortunate to have amazing leaders during my six years at Northwell who have supported me in pursuing my interests, taking chances, and stretching myself. Each mentorship program has given me the opportunity to grow as a new leader not only within Mather, but within Northwell too.”
Tameika Waite – Project Associate, IT&S Project Management
One of the many ways Northwell lives its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is through the Emerging Leader Diversity Mentorship program. This program provides a forum for diverse individuals to develop an on-going relationship with a mentor by meeting regularly and discussing professional development within an organized and supportive framework. The program aims to increase diversity at all levels of management across the health system.
Having a mentor in this program enabled Tameika Waite, project associate in Information Technology & Services (IT&S), to build connections with “great people” across Northwell and gave her the power to define her career on her own terms. Tameika shared that she is encouraged by the high number of diverse leaders, including women, whom she’s met along the way, motivating her to pursue each successive opportunity. “I can truly say that the support I feel from my managers and leadership here goes beyond measure,” says Tameika. “I work in an environment where my leaders are teachers every day, who are welcoming to new ideas.”
Joseph McMahon – Assistant Vice President, Enterprise Change Management
Through the Neuro Diversity Mentor program, not only are students with disabilities able to gain first-hand insight into healthcare careers, but Northwell team members also gain knowledge to help them understand and support the neuro-diverse community.
Mentor Joseph McMahon, assistant vice president of Enterprise Change Management, meets monthly with his mentee and stays connected with him virtually on a regular basis. “It’s been a pleasure being a part of this program. This experience has expanded my own understanding of our organization’s workforce inclusion strategy overall and I’m helping my mentee learn more about our organization while getting to know him on a personal level so I can help him progress in his career journey.”
Mentorship is just one of the many ways Northwell can provide an open forum for employees to create their own success. To learn more about becoming part of the Northwell team, click here.
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